About your guide.

I am a soul-sourced business coach, creative entrepreneur, and highly sensitive person.

I know what it feels like to wake up in a life that is so misaligned with who you are at your core that you feel physically ill because I have lived it.

It took stepping away from two wildly successful creative careers as a fine artist and a florist to reconnect with my inner truth, learn to move by the rhythms of my body, protect my nervous system at all costs, and trust my intuition to realign my life with my purpose.

My connection with intuition and a whole different way of perceiving began early in my childhood living deep in the wilds of Alaska with the Yupiit people of Pilot Station. My upbringing was touched by the graciously shared traditions of a people who believed in attunement with the spirit of all things, from rocks to rivers to trees. The wilderness that raised me was the originator of my connection with and honoring of my deeply sensitive nature.

As I grew up and moved away from the wilderness and the people who had generously shared their wisdom with me, I forgot all this and began creating a life of performance. 

I became very good at masking. I would pick up the rules of business, career and creativity set by everyone else and I would run with it until my feet began to bleed and I couldn’t run any more.

I would find immense success, and then I would have to stop.

I kept thinking the problem was my job, so I would step away from something old and into something new assuming it would be better this time.

Only to find myself repeating the cycle.

At 45 years old, after eight miscarriages, the painful breakdown of an eight-year relationship and another burnout phase that left me unable to push forward in my entrepreneurial pursuits despite my epic success, I picked up a book called, “The Highly Sensitive Person.” It illuminated everything.

I realized my burnout cycle wasn’t because of my job, or my drive, or my passions, or my creative nature, or any number of misdiagnoses. I am simply wired differently than most of the world.

So, I got an easy day job, I moved to the Pacific Northwest, and I took two years off to rest.

After many days of lying in the grass and watching the clouds roll by, I realized that all of my success has been the direct result of my deeply intuitive, perceiving, authentic, compassionate nature. Not “crushing goals” or “10xing my business”.

I came to the awareness that Highly Sensitive People make amazing entrepreneurs.

So I decided to find others like me who are wildly creative, deeply sensitive, and highly ambitious and teach them how to remember themselves and their unique superpowers.

I am here not to give you the steps you will need to find someone else’s idea of success, not to help you make millions while you drain all the life force out of your body and soul, not to show you how to use your career for paper-thin ideas of validation and approval. 

I am here to walk beside you as you clear out all the other voices, connect with your inner wisdom, root into the needs of your body, and move forward from a place of clear intention into crafting a life of purpose that feeds and sustains you and illuminates the world with your gifts.