This New Sunrise.

Before you can move on, you have to release. Before you can release, you have to be ready. This process can take months or years. It can’t be controlled or forced. And if you are in it, even if you feel stuck in it, it is ok. 

In September of 2022, my dear friend Haley Nord texted me late at night to offer me one last photo shoot of me working as a florist as a gift to celebrate my retirement. I immediately teared up. Haley was the first photographer I hired when I started this floral business. And she has documented my work ever since. On this late evening in September, I knew for a full year that I was ready to step away from the wildly successful business I had created in events floral. But I hadn’t announced it. It’s now February of 2024, a full year and a half after these photos were taken and two years after I made my decision, and I finally feel movement.

The ice is melting, the soil is peeking through, and I am ready to release this beautiful project that brought me so much joy. These photos are the culmination of seven years of late nights, very early mornings, daily design practice, long drives, tight schedules, heroic staff, hauling buckets, cleaning buckets, filling buckets, sweeping floors, stocking coolers, laughing with farmers on their beautiful land, building alongside florists I could only have dreamed of meeting one day, endlessly filming and shooting with Shey and Haley. Countless nights under the stars in the most magnificent landscapes you can imagine. These photos capture each moment I could step back from the chaos, breathe in, breathe out, and marvel at my luck.

It has taken much thought, processing, grieving, and many days of sitting and being still to understand it is time to step away. I have gathered everything valuable about this beautiful business and put it together as a powerful gift I will pass on to someone ready for it.

In the meantime, this new sunrise is calling.

If you find yourself in a period of transition and you could use the kind of clarity that will help you move forward from a place of deep intuition and authentic inner knowing, book a free Clarity Coaching Session at the link below.

Before you can move on, you have to release. Before you can release, you have to be ready. This process can take months or years. It can’t be controlled or forced. And if you are in it, even if you feel stuck in it, it is ok. 

In September of 2022, my dear friend Haley Nord texted me late at night to offer me one last photo shoot as a florist as a gift to celebrate my retirement. I immediately teared up. Haley was the first photographer I hired when I started this floral business. And she has documented my work ever since. On this late evening in September, I knew for a full year that I was ready to step away from the wildly successful business I had created in floral events. But I hadn’t announced it. It’s now February of 2024, a full year and a half after these photos were taken and two years after I made my decision, and I finally feel movement.

The ice is melting, the soil is peeking through, and I am ready to release this beautiful project that brought me so much joy. These photos are the culmination of seven years of late nights, very early mornings, daily design practice, long drives, tight schedules, heroic staff, hauling buckets, cleaning buckets, filling buckets, sweeping floors, stocking coolers, laughing with farmers on their beautiful land, building alongside florists I could only have dreamed of meeting one day, endlessly filming and shooting with Shey and Haley. Countless nights under the stars in the most magnificent landscapes you can imagine. These photos capture each moment I could step back from the chaos, breathe in, breathe out, and marvel at my luck.

It has taken much thought, processing, grieving, and many days of sitting and being still to understand it is time to step away. I have gathered everything valuable about this beautiful business and put it together as a powerful gift I will pass on to someone ready for it.

In the meantime, this new sunrise is calling.

Jenevieve Hubbard

Guiding business owners, creators, and visionaries toward balanced expansion and growth.

182 more hours watching the sun set.


Holding two truths.