This New Sunrise.
Jenevieve Hubbard Jenevieve Hubbard

This New Sunrise.

Before you can move on, you have to release. Before you can release, you have to be ready. This process can take months or years. It can’t be controlled or forced. And if you are in it, even if you feel stuck in it, it is ok.

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Holding two truths.
Jenevieve Hubbard Jenevieve Hubbard

Holding two truths.

In every situation, there are often two truths. You can succeed and fail simultaneously, feel motivated and exhausted at the same time, feel inspired and bored, find yourself in the flow and utter chaos, feel in tune with all the beauty life has to offer, and be devastated by the simultaneous tragedies of reality.

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Nature Walks Jenevieve Hubbard Nature Walks Jenevieve Hubbard


Maybe I sound a bit intense in this week’s nature walk recording. But it’s only because this topic hits hard. For the past seven years, I have been in a spiral of overwork. When I started a floral business, I had no idea what I was in for.

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What do you want? (It might not be what you think.)
Nature Walks Jenevieve Hubbard Nature Walks Jenevieve Hubbard

What do you want? (It might not be what you think.)

There have been times in my life when I felt utterly bored with my inner turmoil. I knew I was uncomfortable. I knew I was unhappy. But I felt stuck. I would turn to others for comfort. I would feel temporarily better. But soon enough I would find myself sliding back into the mud.

Does this sound familiar?

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