Moving with the river.

Yesterday, amid a day of spinning out and getting in my head while trying to find simple solutions to complex problems, I came to a powerful post by one of my favorite soulful guides and writers, Daje Aloh. She compared our paths to a river. Rivers can be unpredictable. They can flow beyond their banks and bubble into surrounding meadows until they are nearly unrecognizable. They can fall to almost a trickle, just lingering over rocks and mud.

We know that rivers are always moving, constantly changing, carving out banks and boulders while they are at it. If we can root into our inner knowing, understand the feelings we seek, and let go of our plans, we can learn how to guide ourselves through uncertain times.

This is a practice. It takes time, patience, and often guidance. But when we can root into the feeling rather than the idea, even in times of confusion, we can gently lead ourselves to where we were meant to be rather than where we thought we were going. And we can revel in the mystery and the adventure of it.

More about how I guide myself and clients in my coaching practice through times of transition in today’s Nature Walk. Listen below.

Jenevieve Hubbard

Guiding business owners, creators, and visionaries toward balanced expansion and growth.



182 more hours watching the sun set.