
When you feel lost in scarcity, you may take on meaningless tasks and misaligned projects to distract yourself from the fear that you will never get what you want.

Does this sound familiar?

If this is you, let’s start by grounding your mind and your spirit.

Take off your shoes and socks and stand in the soil, or lie in the grass and watch it wave in the wind.

Do this each time you feel overwhelmed or unsure until your thoughts settle and you can reconnect with your inner knowing.

This simple, eco-somatic practice of physically reconnecting with the earth is the beginning step to “sorting'“.

Sorting is crucial to realigning your actions with your purpose and finding greater attunement when deciding where to focus your limited time and energy.

Sorting is a cyclical process. It works in chorus with identifying our purpose, creating a focus, and setting embodied intentions.

My favorite story about sorting involves the myth of Psyche. ‘Psyche’, of course, is the Greek word for ‘Soul’. Psyche was a mortal woman who became a goddess in her quest for true love. While trying to prove her love to her husband, Eros (Love), her mother-in-law, Aphrodite, gives her four impossible tasks. The first was to sort a huge pile of seeds by the following morning. To overcome her fear of the impossible and trust in her capacity, the ants arrived to help her sort. With her new friends helping her, the “impossible task” is completed by dawn.

The ants in this story are the subconscious at work. When we engage in practices that realign us with our inner wisdom and learn to trust ourselves, choosing what flows and dances with our purpose moves underground and becomes intuitive.

Before we do this, however, darker aspects of ourselves will have us making decisions out of fear, uncertainty, confusion, and old patterns.

If you’re going through a sorting process, the good news is you are on your way to real transformation.

If you could use guidance on the way to the other side of change, I have created a program just for you. The Embodied Intentions Framework is a simple, step-by-step process to help you out of confusion and into clarity and focus as you move through a major transition in your life or career. You can learn more about it below.

If you feel lost in the minutiae, bogged down by meaningless projects and tasks, or simply unsure how to move toward the life you want, the Embodied Intentions Framework is for you.

Learn how to heal burnout, move through a freeze, eliminate a list of meaningless goals, and step into an embodied way of moving forward that is attuned to the energy of the moment and aligned with your purpose.

Jenevieve Hubbard

Guiding business owners, creators, and visionaries toward balanced expansion and growth.

Moving with the river.